Saturday, June 4, 2011

Integrated Call Center Solutions For Your Business

Call centers are a well-established part of the corporate production model. Call centers have evolved to become the front-facing workhorse of not only sales, but also of customer service and support. The voice technology solutions available for call center management must be adaptive to multiple locations and automatically integrate all assets to maximize response time and available information for Customer Service Representatives. Multiple roles should be managed properly so that clients do not wait while key personnel that are able to intervene are not utilized due to rigidity with older solutions.

Leveraging Unified Communications and remote access options facilitate this. With multi-site infrastructure in a call center environment, remote access and network unification is critical. The solution must merge the entire network into a single, virtual entity so access to resources is readily available. Whether it is Instant Messaging, email, or web collaboration, options must be on-screen and ready. This allows a matrix of collective intelligence to be created, turning customer service issues into a wins every time. The client may benefit from a web collaboration session taking a few minutes to address an issue, but only if it is ready now, not later. If the answer is immediate, the client is benefited without excess business process overhead, resulting in higher sales conversion, client relationships, and reduced costs.

The simplest example is client information personalization. When a Customer Service Representative can address a client by name, it is an appreciated personalized touch. When the representative can answer a client's concerns with detailed information that comes from knowledge of the client's operations, installed solutions, and business model, it is much more impactful. This makes the difference between simply keeping an existing client and moving the client to the next level with ready solutions. Clients must feel they are personally important and that his or her needs are understood and proactively addressed. Unified information and instant access is a requirement in order for this to be facilitated.

Those same capabilities facilitate the reporting and interaction recording needs that are critical to business operation. Every word and contact must be retained for future analysis, and for ensuring the quality of communications. For training alone, this is a known value. Ensuring that clients have a clear picture of your information and that you are fully aware of all of the content and context of communications is also a known value. Having that information, unified across facilities and technology profiles, allows for Business Intelligence that is used to identify weak points in client services, or opportunities for client conversion for future sales.


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