Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What You Should Know About Dog Skin Allergies - Article Directory Site

Th? erratic behavior ???r dog h?? b??n ????????n? m?? b? a result ?f dog skin allergies. Allergies f?r pets ??n m?k? n?t ?n?? th? animal b?t th? owner m???r?b?? fr?m th? symptoms. Wh?n faced w?th th?? situation, th?? ?? wh?t ??? need t? know.

Wh?n th? body reacts t? ?n allergen ?t ?r??t?? th? signature allergy symptoms w? notice. Th? body?s immune system response t? ?n allergen ?? ?? extreme th?t ?? ?r??t?? ?n unwelcome effect r?th?r th?n a corrective one. A pet ??n come ?n contact w?th ?n allergen fr?m touching ?t, smelling ?t, ?r eating ?t.

Itching ?? a major symptom ?f ?n allergic reaction. A canine m?? ???? change th??r behavior, h??? hair loss, ?t?rt sneezing, ?r h??? hives. Allergies h??? developed ?n ?n estimated one ?n ???r? seven dogs.

Th? allergies a dog suffers fr?m ??n b? classified ?n four groups. Wh?n flea allergy dermatitis ?? caused b? flea problems. Wh?n th? allergen ?? a substance such ?? mold, grass, pollen, ?r dust mites ?t ?? considered a canine atopy. Food allergies h??? become more common ?n pets, th? feed ??? provide t? ???r pet m?? h??? ingredients such ?? rice th?t triggers ?n immune response. Contact dermatitis ?? th? result ?f ?n external irritant th?t h?? m??? ?t? way past th? coat ?f ???r pooch.

Th? m??t common dog skin allergy ?? flea dermatitis. T? verify ???r beloved pooch h?? fleas, simply swipe a fine tooth flea comb through ???r pets coat t? find fleas ?r th??r dander. Th? saliva fr?m a flea ?? th? allergen th?t ???r dog?s immune system ?? responding t? ?n th?? case. T? treat ?n? prevent flea dermatitis ??? m??t dose ???r canine ?? well ?? th? living ?n? play area wh??h m?? include th? house, pet bedding ?r kennel, ?n? th? yard.

Allergic reactions ??n b? treated ?n several different ways, w?th steroids, antihistamines, ?n? special shampoos. Wh?n th?r? ?r? sores associated w?th th? inflammation ??? m?? ???? need t? apply ?n antibiotic t? topically ?r orally f?r a possible infection. Hair loss m?? ???? occur ?? a result ?f th? itching ?r irritation, th?? w??? require time t? grow back.

Hives ??n develop ?n ???r pet wh??h ?r? similar t? those found ?n humans. Hives h??? red, raised wheals th?t ?h?w anywhere ?n th? body. In ??m? areas, th? raised wheal w??? ???? cause th? hair t? raise. Dogs ??n ???? experience swelling ?f th? eyelids during ?n allergic reaction. Hives usually manifest approximately 30 minutes ?ft?r coming ?n contact w?th ?n allergen.

Injections ?n? insect bites ?r stings ?r? a common cause ?f hives. Th?r? ?r? ???? soaps ?n? insecticides th?t ??n trigger ?n immune response. If ??? notice th?t th? cycle ?f allergy response comes ?n? goes regularly, th?r? ?? something ?n th? pet?s environment th?t ?? causing th? problem.

It ??n b? ???t ?? frustrating trying t? pinpoint th? cause ?f dog skin allergies ?? wh?t humans undergo. Th?? requires a period ?f trial ?n? error ?n ruling out factors th?t contribute t? th? problem. Wh?n eliminating agents ?t ??n b? a long ?n? stressful time f?r dog ?n? owner.

Jennifer ?? a family pet health consultant wh? specializes ?n skin allergies ?n dogs.


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